Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 13

     So, Kena and I worked on our 20 percent project presentation and we finally finished it two days before it was due. For those next two days we practiced by ourselves to make sure we had the presentation down and we had all the last minute things fixed. We have our English classes during two separate periods so we actually had to present by ourselves. I feel like our presentation could have been so much better, but with us not having done anything for actual work, I understand why our presentation was lack luster.
     With having left my other project half way through the year just to start working with Kena to get nothing done, I feel like I actually did a better job with my other group. We had class together and we actually did our blogs and we discussed how each others parts were coming along. I am actually kind of disappointed in my self for leaving a productive group just so I could work with my friend and really do absolutely nothing. 
     All in all, I wish I would have done more work with my project. It could have been such a great thing to have accomplished and I really hope that  my working habits improve for senior year. I do hope that whatever class does this next does a way better job because this project is a really great opportunity for everyone to help their community and work together in a group. I actually regret not doing my best job and I hope in the future I can do something amazing to make up for the fact that I did not do my best this year. 

Link to my old blog:

Link to my presentation:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 10

     So, Kena and I have decided that with what little time we have for the school year, we are going to stop with our project. We have to present to our classes what we have done through the year, and since we have only been together since after the second semester started, we don't have much to say. We have come to the mutual agreement that we will work on our presentation together and we will show what we were supposed to do and what we would have done if we had actually been competent enough to make time and get together.
     I could sit here and explain for hours on end how one of us would have time and the other would not and how we were not good at managing our time and all of that non sense. BUT I won't because I don't need to bore you with all the details of our mishaps. All that you need to know is that we flopped, or failed, and we did not do what we were supposed to and now we have to live with the consequences.
     When we do our presentation we will have to present the same presentation twice because we have two separate classes. We are going to get together as best we can and do this together and if we can't then we are going to make our presentation on Google docs so we can still work together without actually being together.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 9

     So, this week Kena and I have not even seen each other and that is why we have nothing to show. Prom is coming up soon, within about a week from today, and so I have a plan that I will be discussing with her shortly. We are going to see each other this Sunday and so that will be a perfect time to talk about our 20 Percent Project.
     For prom, I want to post some quick hair and makeup tutorials about different things for different themes and colors. I am going to ask her for the ideas of what to do the tutorial on and then record what I can of them. After that, we will get together to edit and post them. I will be focusing on our prom theme, Party at Gatsby's, so that people at our school can look at the videos for themselves, but I will be searching up other themes around AUHSD just in case those students stumble across our pages.
     Something else we need to talk about is how we are going to present our project at the end of the year. We are in two different grade levels, and two different class periods, so presenting together will be nearly impossible. We are sure we will not be able to be pulled out of our other classes so we have to decide if we are doing two different presentations or if we will be presenting the same one twice. That is something we also have to get together and discuss with our English teacher.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Week 8

     So, Kena and I have not posted anything on any of our accounts at all. We've both been so busy with school and outside activities and sports that we just made this one of our last priorities. Every time we planned to meet up, something else would happen and cause us to lag on each other. We really want to start making a better plan of what we're going to do and when. We both have some amazingly great ideas that we want to do and we plan to do them. We nee to decide how though. Are we going to do them without each other and just edit them on our own and we each do our own  thing? Or should we still continue to work together?
     I think we should do videos together when we can, but otherwise, we should every thing we can to get work done on our own. Even if that means doing our own separate videos. We need to get together and discuss how we are going to work together even if we can not physically be together one day. Then after that we will proceed with what ever plan we happen to conjure up.
     I had really high hoped for this project and I think it is possible to save it if we start working now. Kena's birthday is this Sunday. I am thinking of going to her house, or her coming to mine, so we can not only hang out for her special day, but also so we can get work done while we have fun. We can get other people involved and have them input ideas or be our little models. Whatever we do, we will start to get out work done.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 2

     For week two, we haven't done much. We've been working on setting up and customizing our accounts. We've also been working on doing some research on what kinds of tutorials we should do. So far we've only recorded one video, so we are trying to decide what to do next.
     Our plan is to try and catch up so we are on track with our blogs and work. Soon, we will be attempting two blogs and videos/tutorials per week, one hair and one makeup. We both have hectic schedules between sports, homework, this project, and having some attempt at a social life, it's hard to balance everything and actually get a chance to meet up. We have been working separately in our two classes but we are planning on getting together at least once or twice a week to plan out and record our tutorials.
     Soon we will be finished editing our first video and we will post it on You Tube. When we have posted it, I will make a mini blog with the links for our different accounts and the video. We are also planning on making small posters to hand out around school to spread the word a little better and we will ask our teacher if we can post something on his website/classroom so we can receive suggestions and share the videos.

Week 1

     So, this was our first week working together. We've thought of a name, and we've created an Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, and You Tube account. We also started our first tutorial.
     Our account, Beautiful Boutique Secrets, is a hair and makeup tutorial account. We will do all sorts of different hair styles and different makeup styles that will work for anyone's eye color and skin tone.
     We started our first tutorial with a braided headband that anyone can do. I've done it on my self and it can be done on anyone with long or short hair. Next, we will edit the video and post it on all our websites and accounts.
     We hope that everyone will watch our videos and subscribe to our accounts. We are highly encouraging all of our friends to follow us and then tell their friends to do the same. We're hoping that our tutorials become viral with our friends and if all goes as planned we will have a large amount of followers and be viral in our neighborhoods and cities.
     We are really enjoying working together on these tutorials and we hope that people will give us lots of suggestions and we hope people will watch the videos we watch.